American Express CodeStreet'20

7078 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
7078 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

Idea Submission Phase
starts on:
Jul 10, 2020, 04:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 03, 2020, 12:25 AM UTC (UTC)
Tech Fest
starts on:
Aug 20, 2020, 02:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 20, 2020, 01:45 PM UTC (UTC)




Congratulations to all winners! Winners from all events have been communicated the same via their registered email IDs.


Winners of Coding and Quiz will be announced by 27th August 2020.


All shortlisted teams are supposed to work on their prototypes and keep it ready for Tech Fest day (Begins on 20th Aug). On 20th Aug you will have a brief connect with your mentors where you can ask them questions on how you can improvise your work. But they would expect to see a complete prototype. In case you have any questions email them to


Shortlist has been announced. Log in on HackerEarth to check your status. Or you can check if your team name is present here.

Shortlisted teams should start working on their prototypes. The prototypes will be presented on during Tech Fest day to the jury.

enter image description here

After a successful launch last year, we are back with CodeStreet’ 20, the one-stop tech fest that provides you with an opportunity to showcase your technical skills on a national platform, in tune with the latest trends in the Fintech industry.

At American Express, we believe that change is for the better. Finding ways to help encourage innovative thinking and harnessing the power of ideas will help businesses expand and establish a culture of creativity. On this very note, we invite all budding technologists from engineering campuses across India to participate in this tech-fest.

Brace yourselves, form your teams, interact with innovative minds and get started with the hackathon. There is a lot of learning and fun in store for you throughout the event. We hope to see you and your team at the virtual event. What are you waiting for, quickly hit the register button!

Eligibility to participate:

  • Students currently pursuing any technical degree from engineering colleges across India.

  • Students across all graduation year (2020 - 2024), and across all branches are eligible to take part in this event.

enter image description here

This tech-fest is huge with several events coming your way and has the following activities for participation:

  • Hackathon - Online + Virtual Finale
  • Other events during Virtual tech-fest:
    • Quizzes
    • Live Coding Challenge
    • Panel Discussions
    • vBooths

You can either register for Hackathon or Other events (Quizzes, Live Coding Challenge, Panel Discussions, vBooths) while registering for the tech-fest. Even those not shortlisted in the Hackathon idea phase can attend the tech-fest.

The following is the detailed timeline for the hackathon. The timeline for other offline events will be shared a week prior with the registrants.

Note: The final Hackathon will happen in parallel to some of the other events.

enter image description here

Submit an idea now! Every team can submit multiple ideas.

Download this file to understand the Idea Submission Format.


Realtime Payments

Realtime payments are also referred to as immediate payments and instant payments allowing P2P, P2B and B2P payments. They are gaining ground, driven by consumer demand for speed and convenience. Financial institutions must respond to this demand. They cannot rely on traditional payment instruments to be competitive.

The key difference between real-time payments and other traditional payment modes is that real-time payments guarantee immediate accessibility of funds to the beneficiary of the transaction. In contrast to this, real-time authorization of a deal on a card is not the same and the buyer is committed to pay and the recipient is guaranteed to receive the funds. However, the availability of funds is not immediate. But, real-time payments could potentially replace other payment methods such as cards, checks, and automated clearing houses.

With the digital and telecom growth in India and in general APAC region, it is touted to be the fasted growing region in terms of digital payments.

There are challenges though that still need to be solved for e.g. fraud detection, dispute resolution, offline payments, transaction limits.

So let put on our thinking hats and explore this new global trend and see how we can marry traditional payment rails with instant payments.

Smart Cities

The concept of Smart Cities — which use mobile payments, global positioning and related technology to streamline parking, transit, building access and traffic — is deeply intertwined with the development of payments technology and regulation.

According to research, about 34% of India’s population lives in urban areas, according to a 2017 World Bank estimate and if this trend continues, the UN predicts that the country’s urban population will be more than the rural population by the end of 2050. With that said and with the explosion of IOT technology, we will have huge amount of data. How do we start using this information to create seamless, efficient, secure and customer-friendly solutions? These exciting times for fintech industry to touch every ones lives in more way than ever.

Can you’ll think of any such next-gen cool use-case that we can solve?

Example Use case would be, your local grocery shop allows you to order and pre-pay while you are travelling back home from office and all you have to do is pick-up the pre-packed items on the way home?

Virtual Grocery Stores: Link 1

Cyber Security

Financial institutions handle huge volume of sensitive data and money movement transactions. The onus is on the financial institutions to product their customer’s personal information and money, as well as their brands.

Help the financial industry in protecting customers and be always ahead of the hackers in building more secure solutions ranging from secure mobile solutions to more optimized and secure encryption algorithms. You can also think along the innovative ways to educating customers around the security and protecting themselves.

Payment solution for Small and Medium Business

Small and Medium business contribute to over 80% of the total payments transactions and financial industry is committed to help these businesses to nurture and support local economies at scale.

American Express works very closely with these businesses and always look for new ideas and innovations to help them have better financial management and better and secure customer experience.

You can focus your innovation idea on this space where you can either look at improving or creating a new end to end shopping experience with digital money, devise new creative ways where financial industry can help SMBs in solving their problem from end to end (inventory to payments)


Monitoring Hotspots in Distributed Computing

In the last 2 decades, the computing industry has embraced distributed computing that has enabled providing services for global customers at an unprecedented scale. However, this paradigm shift has also introduced new challenges and patterns yet to be refined in terms of scalability, heterogeneity, security, failure management, etc.

You can pick any challenges around distributed computing and focus on providing solutions around those. One example can be around System monitoring:

System monitoring is a crucial first step towards building a predictive analysis for system availability. Unless, organisations are able to monitor the anomalies in the system, its hard to predict. In this area, we would like to monitor buildup of hotspots in the tech stack, which can enable us to take proactive actions to prevent it from breaking.

Build an approach where the system health and performance can be monitored to highlight buildup of hotspots, which can then be tied to alerting and auto-scaling. You can assume Enterprise level systems with multiple data centers, global user distribution, and 24x7 usage.


Main Prizes
First Prize
INR 100000
Second Prize
INR 50000
Third Prize
INR 30000
Special Prizes
Coding Challenge (5)

Top 5 performing students on Codestreet'20 Tech Fest day

vBooths (20)

Top 20 Questions/Discussions at vBooths on Codestreet'20 Tech Fest day.

Quiz (5)

Top 5 performing students on Codestreet'20 Tech Fest day


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